brandon woelfel lightroom mobile presets download

brandon woelfel lightroom mobile presets download

brandon woelfel

brandon woelfel is a Photographer who has gained a massive following on  Instagram, where he shares his photos with his 2.2 million followers. he is very famous for his unique editing styles , he captures best shots and then pre process them in lightroom , brandon have become a insoiration in young aspiring photographers . He is also popular on Twitter with over 420,000 followers. his work can also be found on his website . today i have tried to create a preset like brandon woelfel presets.


lightroom is a powerfull application by adobe . lightroom was basically launched for pc, mac and windows but after the great success of lightroom on windows platform. adobe thought of launching a lightroom mobile application for the people who dont have a windows pc . lightroom mobile is a powerfull app with all complete features in it. lightroom mobiles also comes in lightroom pro apk with some cool features for prime users.  lightroom helps to adjust lights and colours in your photo and helps to create amazing colour grading in your photo. in this artical m gonna give you free brandon woelfel preset.

brandon woelfel presets

brandon woelfel presets : hey guyz welcome back to my blog . as you know  this website is all about helps and support to photo editor. so today im here with premuim lightroom mobile presets and brandon woelfel presets download for you. here is the all new brandon woelfel presets download file of full version. these lightroom mobile presets  includes various premade lightroom mobile presets like brandon woelfel presets which can boost your editing of photos upto  next level.


  • free to download
  • premium colours
  • usable in lightroom mobile
  • all premium features
  • no bugs
  • high quality lightroom mobile presets download


brandon woelfel presets for mobile:

   Download lightroom premium for free

in this artical you can download brandon woelfel presets for free which can be usable with your lightroom mobile app in android and lightroom mobile app for ios . these lightroom mobile preset are of very high resolutions and includes full hd 4k lightroom mobile preset.

teal & orange lightroom mobile preset

this artical includes brandon woelfel presets download. all the presets included in this lightroom mobile preset zip file are used by famous photographer brandon woelfel and you can add an amazing blue and cool tone in your photos with the help of these lightroom presets .  you can download these amazing lightroom mobile preset for free from the download button given below .

download hair png

system requirements:-

  • android kitkat (4.0) or above
  • 1gb of ram
  • 4gb free space on device
  • lightroom latest version installed

[image-comparator left=”” right=”” width=”100%” classes=”hover”][/image-comparator]

download brandon woelfel presets .dng file:- 

you can simply tap on download button below to download the brandon woelfel lightroom  mobile presets .

how to use brandon woelfel mobile presets :

after downlading these brandon woelfel  lightroom mobile preset the next step is to use these amazing lightroom mobile presets in your photos. these presets are gonna add a beautifull elegent teal and orange colour tone to your photo in a single tap. follow these steps to use these lightroom presets in your photo

  • download  presets from above download button
  • select these presets and import to lightroom mobile
  • ope lightroom
  • open these presets in lightroom
  • from option menu choose copy settings
  • now open your photo in lightroom
  • from option menu choose paste setting
  • and you are all done

How to extract zip file?

if you have already downloaded the zip file of new lightroom mobile presets  . then you can further proceed to extract the files included in this zip file . to extract the files you need to install a app called winRAR or ZIPextractor in your computer and phone respectively. after installing you can simply choose the folder and tap on extract.  after extracting you can find the files in your file manager or gallery and use these amazing lightroom presets for evry use.


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